About us

steelman photographers

A personal note on marriage

As a husband and wife wedding photography team, we’ve been capturing the beauty of couples for over 18 years from the coasts of Big Sur and Maui to the coast of Punta Cana. We call Monterey home, but can’t ever shake the travel buzz. Some would say that we’re not the "unicorns and rainbow type with fluffy clouds and all the gahs", but we absolutely do believe 100% in real love. Having been married for nearly 24 years (yes, that’s wild to say out loud), we obviously value marriage and bring the authenticity of our relationship into what we do. I guess you could say we have a unique perspective for your wedding day! With our creative, friendly warm personalities (our clients’ words, not ours lol), we’re all about breaking the cookie cutter and creating our own mold with you for your images. 

we're mike & gina.

Nice to meet ya!

Coffee is our friend. Wineries & breweries are our jam. Tropical winds, palm trees, warm sand, friends, mountain air, fire pits, road trips... these are the things that fill our souls...

We believe marriage is absolutely worth every ounce of energy you have. We believe in doing life together with the one you love and who loves you. Feelings come and go, but commitment? There's nothing like it. You can have joy no matter what your outside circumstances. We keep it real. It is hard work, at some point. But marriage is an investment that lasts. It's one that matters. Guess that's why we love photographing weddings so much. We believe in marriage. We believe in it for you. And we don't just want yours to succeed... our prayer is for yours to THRIVE!

Make your day about YOU and your love for each other.
And then keep it there.

but it's the most amazing thing ever

but it's the most amazing thing ever

It takes work!

It takes work!

About us

The old lady of the house! She's a long haired dachshund mix that's almost 15 years old. 


Our 2 year old black lab who only knows love and is still learning from Tootsie how to be a ranch dog.


Oh my goodness, if you don't know what a malasada is, you're missing out! The simple things in life can have the most delight, that's for sure. 


Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur... it's like a little piece of heaven on earth! The coastline is outrageous, the mountains are stunning, & when coupled with our time in Hawaii & Idaho, we couldn't ask for more.

Our backyard

As long as it's shining, we're good. Sunlight on our skin makes us happier. Whether it's peering through the trees, setting, or rising, we'll be close by.

Chasing the sun

...and of course, friends that are family. Spending time with those we love fills our cup and our 4 boys keep us grounded for sure!


There's nothing like meeting new people on the road, twizzler fights, singing at the top of our lungs, sunflower seeds, and soaking up the country.

Road trips

Real relationships, getting together for a drink and doing life face to face. We think we all need a little more real facetime, don't ya think? Oh, & btw, Mike can grill like a boss.

Hang time

Signature cocktails, craft beers, half empty wine glasses & good whiskey usually means we're surrounded by good people, so let's celebrate life! 

Good whiskey

Something we don't deserve. We're thankful to have God's amazing grace through Jesus. Our faith in Christ sustains us and is the foundation of who we are as people, parents, photographers, and friends.


The things we love:

Fun facts: We met when we were 14, started dating at 18, & married at a fresh 22 against all odds. Now we've been married almost 24 years (what?!?) & not only capture our clients' days, but celebrate with them!

We have a good ol' fashioned love story that grows every day. Gina used to be an elementary school teacher and Mike used to be in law enforcement, but life got richer in weird ways. We have four boys ranging from eight to eighteen who have even bigger hearts than we do, the cutest dog ever named Tootsie (watch it, she'll put a spell on you!), and a black lab named Koda who can easily be found chilling in the studio with us or on our many road trips. We live in the country on our ranch with 42 chickens and a killer garden, but trade our cowboy boots for the sand in our toes just 15 minutes away when it's over 65 degrees. Yes, we're those warm weather freaks who get all kinds of stupid happy on nice days, especially in Hawaii. Oh, did we mention grace? Grace is a daily necessity in our home. We're super thankful to have found it in Jesus and try to be a good example of his love towards all. 

Where the country meets the coast, you'll find us along those lines. Add a little reggae mixed in with the country music and a splash of the top 20 hits and you'll have a good mix of Mike and Gina. (Ok, ok, maybe a little Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog in there too to keep Gina dancing, and if you hear Paradise City blaring from a Harley Davidson on the road it's probably Mike flying by!). 



ok let's get

and so it began...

The why



Get to know...



the why

I love to ride my Harley...like, a lot. I'm a hard ass when needed, but I try to keep my heart soft. Beer and coffee are gifts from God. Fishing, camping, hiking? Yes, all of it. My beard is ever changing - I'll keep you guessing. The wanderlust in my blood is both a blessing and a curse. There's something about the ocean that draws me deep. I love living in the country and still having the ocean minutes away. I'm a better golfer than surfer, but that might not say much. I'm blown away and humbled by the love of God, and eternally thankful for the peace that Jesus has given me. I strive to be the best friend that I would want to have. I miss law enforcement, but am thankful to be shooting people in a different light.

I love being a dad. I love good small-batch whiskey too. I tend to give too much of my heart to people too early. I talk a lot but try to do so with substance. I'm a good shot with most guns, play guitar decently, and get choked up still at almost every father/daughter dance. 

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” - mark twain






our story



Did someone say wine and chocolates? Let's go!
I'm a mama to 4 rad boys and I love it. I'm a happy wife, especially when Mike sends me to the spa.
I live by faith and lots of grace.
I love with an open heart.
Jesus is my everything.
Khalua pork is the bomb. Seriously, I'll drive miles for the good stuff.
Everything Hawaii.
Warm sand.
Poolside books.
Late country nights.
I'm an excellent Harley passenger, though I've done my fair share of miles.
I run the most imperfect but amazing household with the love of my life.
I've been told that I make it look easy, but I'm usually just hanging on by a thread.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot






our story



Some find their purpose in what they do. We find our purpose in who we get to pour into. This is our family. This is our why. Somehow we got the crazy privilege to raise four boys in this life, and we're doing our damnedest to raise them into fine young men that appreciate hard work, know the meaning of respect, and God willing, know how to love hard with all of their hearts. If you want to truly know who Mike and Gina Steelman are, you just need to look at our sons. With a heartfelt conviction, we're doing our best to raise men who will lead with integrity, work with grit, love with passion, and all the while make you smile. 

There is something magical that happens within family, within the home. If you want the world to be a better place, we believe it starts there. With the grace of God, we strive to make a difference, and that's what secretly fuels our passion for authenticity - our family. Together we'll rock this world. Let's do this. With pleasure, we introduce our sons JK, JT, JC, and JJ to you. 

"Families are like fudge — mostly sweet, with a few nuts." - Les Dawson

the Why




our story



the experience

Whether your wedding is in your own backyard or on the other side of the world, you want a day that reflects you. And well, that's what we're all about. Check out all of the details in

What to expect...
