Over the last 18 years we've worked on developing a signature style that you can feel when you look at our images. We don't want to just create gorgeous images for you, but also put you at ease and have some fun together. When you're comfortable, your images turn out so much better! Makes sense, right? Great photos are only as great as the experience getting them. We want you to be you. Our sessions aren't your typical "say cheese" stiff-style engagement photos. It's a creative, on-location lifestyle session to celebrate your love and togetherness. It's a reflection of who you are together. We'll invest several hours letting loose and having fun, and typically end up sharing a bottle of wine with you after. We’ll go with you to the place where the proposal was, or your favorite romantic spot (or a spot we choose for you!) to capture the casual and fun side of your relationship. If you're down for an adventure and like what you see, let's work together.
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Package details are at the bottom of this page.
Click a favorite gallery below to enjoy. Package details are at the bottom of this page.
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info @ steelmanphotographers.com
Mike and Gina Steelman are MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS THAT have been photographing weddings and events for 18 years. Specializing in Coastal weddings and vineyard receptions, MIKE AND GINA PHOTOGRAPH EVENTS IN CARMEL, PEBBLE BEACH, BIG SUR AND MONTEREY THE MOST. destination wedding photography comes naturally AND IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE.